May 10 Devo ~ The Amazing Bible

The Amazing Bible

I want you to remember and understand what the holy prophets said long ago and what our Lord and Savior commanded through your apostles

(2 Peter 3:2, NLT)

Dear friends:

Before I became a believer in Jesus Christ, God's Word didn't make any sense to me. I tried to read it on occasions during my high school and college days, but found it boring. Finally, I concluded that no really intelligent person could believe the Bible.

Then I became a Christian. My life was transformed, and my attitudes concerning the Scriptures changed. I realized the Bible was truly the holy, inspired Word of God.

Since that great discovery, my study of the Bible, including five years of theological study in two famous seminaries, Princeton and Fuller, have helped me to understand many reasons why God's Word is so important to the Christian.

Do you want to become a man or woman of God? Would you like to know the Lord more intimately, so that you can be a more fruitful witness for Him?

The secret of becoming a man or woman of God lies in studying and memorizing His Word.

For more than fifty years, I have been memorizing scriptures and studying God's Word. But when I meet a man like the late Bud Hinkson, our former Campus Crusade director in Central Europe, I realize just how much I still fall short. Bud could recite entire books of the Bible from memory, and his life showed how much he has grown spiritually as a result of his lifetime of study and memorization. Filled with joy and peace, he literally radiated God's love to those around him.

Multitudes around the world cannot even afford to purchase a Bible. Our staff leaders in Central Asia often work with earnest, devoted Christians whose sole exposure to Christ is the JESUS film, a two-hour motion picture of the life of Christ based on the Gospel of Luke. Aside from that marvelous evangelistic tool, they have no other spiritual material. In more fortunate areas a whole village may have to share a single copy of the Scripture. For those of us so blessed to have not only one Bible but usually multiples copies of different translations, let us thank and praise our wonderful Lord. But at the same time, let us be involved with helping to get God's message to others all over the world.

Yours for fulfilling the Great Commission each year until our Lord returns,
Bill Bright


Insights by Bill Bright

The late Dr. Bill Bright was Founder and President/Chairman Emeritus of Campus Crusade for Christ

Author: Magnumguy