M Bodies: Driving A Legend

I was driving my 5th today...and it dawned on me
We've come a long way in the technologies of "how a car drives"...
Or have we? (or am I just nuts?)
I've driven brand spankin' 300's, new this new that..
And yeah, they're tuned, tight, etc....
But I'll still take a sloppy steering, lazy ol' M anyday.
There's play in the steering, slop in the suspension (especially without sway bars)

But man... What a ride.
Personally I can't drive a new car. It feels like I'm driving a plastic lunchbox.

Give me an M any day...
To me it's a gorgeous ride
Sure it's a low compression 318 in my 5th...
But compared to the 2.0 litre ricemobile's I see pull up beside me at the lights...

I'm sitting in my Lazy-Boy recliner drivers seat listening to my legendary 318 idle.

Smogger 318 legendary? you say?..
Why yes.

How many billions of miles of service has the much dismissed 318 done?
Police, Taxi, Fire department. Not to mention the millions of civi's over the years.

M's truly are legendary
My Caravelle IMO is one of the most beautiful, cool cars I've ever seen.
That's why I soak money into it.
That baby has the "Legendary" Super Six.
The leaning tower of power.
Yet.. Another legend.
Who can deny the reputation and virtual indestructibility of that engine.
They're not muscle but every bit Mopar legend as any other.
Cheers to M's.
Easily as much legend as anything in the beautiful history that is Mopar.

(As a side note...I'm pretty fond of pretty much all Mopar's)