Keeping it real ?

I dunno how to say this, so I guess, I am just gonna say it, and hope that anybody reading this remains cognizant ? of the respectful manner in which it is intended by me ?

Especially in the Engine Section, or in posts relative to when people are asking for "reccomendations" on things ?
I wish people would make "reccomendations" based upon personal knowledge ? things THEY have tried, things THEY have used, things THEY personally have WITNESSED or seen, what has worked for THEM and under WHAT conditions.
For example;
Why would someone/anyone say "These" Camshafts are better, as a blanket statement ?
instead of,
"THIS" Camshaft, worked really well for me, in THIS application of parts ?

The former tends to be a subjective "analysis" written in stone based upon what ? ARROGANCE ?, with NO PROOF, NO HARD DATA, NO DYNO SHEET, based strictly upon "speculation" ?
at the very least, the latter gives an "opinion" based upon "something" tangible ?

Apologies for the rant, just like it to stay "real" relative to actual personal experience ?

I run an Engine DYNO regularily, a Superflow 902, and I've seen it all, suffice to say, IMO, NOTHING can be written in stone, especially with Camshafts.
IMO, All Manufacturers have good & bad, a good "fit" for one COMBO, may be a complete "Dud" in another ? But by no means is anybody's Camshafts across the board BETTER than everybody elses ?
Author: Moparbob