Just Go Do It

I've only had my Caravelle out twice so far all season. Just been stupid busy and between my Fifth and getting the Volare up to snuff for the missus I haven't had the time.

Yesterday we did the long haul drive to go see my wife's 96 year old grandpa.....always well with the drive.....he's an awesome guy. So today my plan was to relax and take it easy....maybe even squeeze in an afternoon nap..

I lied down and closed my eyes and my brain yelled at me.
"Go get your damn Caravelle you idiot!!"
I replied... "Ah....it's cold and cloudy....I'm gonna have a nap"
I couldn't sleep.....got up, went to the garage, took off the cover, hooked up the battery and turned the key...man just hearing that loud obnoxious slant belching outta my pooched muffler put a wide mile smile on my face....had a great day ripping around.

My brain told me..."just go do it"
Glad I listened.....