Every one of us experiences times of weakness. We may not want to admit it. We may even want to claim we are immune to it. But without exception, there are times in your life and mine when we are miserably weak.
It doesn’t matter how long you’ve been a Christian. Your age has nothing to do with it. How spiritually deep you may think you are doesn’t change the reality of the truth. A time of sickness, grieving through a loss, recovering from some disappointment, dealing with fatigue — each contributes to bringing on a time of weakness.
How does God view us during a time of weakness? Does He become disappointed in us? Does He want to give up on us? Does He interpret our weakness as defiance against His will and react with correction? Does He give us a failing grade in our progress towards spiritual maturity? The cry of the heart from many believers during times of weakness is, “God, don’t give up on me!”
Paul made a statement in 2 Corinthians 12:10 that seems almost like a contradiction. He said, “Therefore I take pleasure in infirmities, in reproaches, in needs, in persecutions, in distresses, for Christ’s sake. For when I am weak, then I am strong” (NKJV).
How can it be said that in a time of weakness is actually when strength is at its greatest? Weakness should not be seen as a failure. Weakness just reminds us that we are human and we need God!
The principle Paul is teaching us is that we are our strongest when we are our most reliant on Jesus. It is in times of feeling helpless, useless, brokenhearted, too sick to help ourselves, or too weak to make it better that we become our most dependent upon Jesus. It is in these times of relying completely upon Him that He will provide the strength and the power we need to overcome.
In weakness there is strength in and through Jesus Christ! Thank God our weakness is not met with the Lord’s rebuke or rejection, but with His help.
Author: moparkep1