January 5th Devo ~

God Has No Other Salt......

Jesus said in Matthew 5:13 that as Christians we are “the salt of the earth.”

Now salt serves two very important purposes in this world and that is to preserve
and to add flavor. When was the last time you tried to eat green beans without
salt? It didn’t take you long to reach for salt shaker did it? The fact that we are
said to be “THE” salt of the earth indicates that there is no other salt around to
preserve (save) this world and to add the proper flavor to life.

The Christian is depended upon by the Lord to save the world be preaching the
saving gospel to this lost world. (I Timothy 4:16; I Corinthians 1:21). God has no
other salt. The Christian is also depended upon by the Lord to save the world
through his righteous influence. (I Timothy 4:12; Titus 2:7; I Peter 3:1). God has no
other salt.

What would we do without Christianity to give the proper flavor to life? The truth
of the matter is, that we would be overcome in the hour of trouble, sickness, death,
and disappointment if it were not for the religion of our Lord. Pleasure and plenty
have not given this world the things which it deeply desires as they are insipid,
tasteless, and even sickening in the hour of need.

Again, Christians are “THE” salt of the earth. The Lord is depending upon us to
do our work and be what we are supposed to be. How disappointed he must be in
us when we allow the world to become our salt rather than our becoming the salt
of the earth. The more the world salts us the less we are the salt of the earth.
This is the reason that inspiration warns us not to be conformed to this world.
(Romans 12:2)

Jesus continues in Matthew 5:13 by saying “...but if the salt have lost his
savour, wherewith shall it be salted? It is thenceforth good for nothing, but to be
cast out, and to be trodden under foot of men

Christians ARE different than the world and we should not be ashamed of it.
We are separate, unique, outstanding. (I Peter 2:9) Christians march to the beat
of a different drum. They love different things, and have a different set of values.

The Christian should glory in the fact that his is different than the world for he is
“the salt of the earth” and God has no other salt.


By Don Deffenbaugh

Author: Magnumguy