Hello!! Again…..

:yikes: IM BAAACKKK! LoL. hello again all, been along time, cant remember what my user name was before, 76dusterman, or mopar_man_76 or something similar. been a couple years since ive been on here and forgot all the old account info. I sold all my projects and took some time to dedicate to work and family. Had a new baby girl in the middle of all that :doh:.... But not ive bought yet another A-body, and looking forward to getting back into tinkering on it!. I already recognize a few names on here from before, hope to get reaquainted with some of you all. The car is a 76 Dart Sport , picked it up for 1k$ its got its issues as most do small rust hole in the drivers rear quarter, trunk pan, drivers side floor in the trans hump.... needs all new interior. BUT..... ITS A DRIVER, runs point A to point B with no issues. /6 , auto. Something I can drive and fix. Posted up a photo Album already, comment welcome.... ALL comments welcome:dance: ALSO, if you happen to read this.... Im trying to relocate a guy on here from near Seattle that bought a 73 Dart Sport from me several years ago from on here. He stored it in Toledo at his folks place till he hauled it away. He was a home theater installer as I recall??? Thought it was 1970Challenger, but that may be a mistake.... IF your on here and see this, drop me a PM.. Thanks all!
Author: 76DartSport