Heartland Park Racing

I was concerned about the racing there this year after 80AspenRT hadda go thru the funnel cloud and all last year. Been watching it closely this year. Haven't heard from Scott and his wife but they mighta got a little wet very early today. no word is good word I guess. this year it seems to want to be centering west of and near me tonite. It skirted south and east of me around 7 am today. NWS already called and asked me to watch it from ground level up here because the radar is "confusing". I have 3d radar ability, they wanna know how hehehehe I can see a wall cloud forming for about the last hour about 30 miles due west of me (leaves me outta harms way) but they can't see it on the radar and I can see it both visually and on my radar. this years storms are gonna bypass the races and focus on my area. I can tell already, this is gonna be a stormy year, I LOVE IT!

Doing well here now, all the cows and bulls are up and in the barn, the horse is too. my house is over 100 years old, so I'm sure it's held up to many storms and near misses many times before now, besides, it's got a brand new roof and lots of attic insulation too! makes it even stronger. ta hell with that San Antonio house! It would just probably get burnt up in a fire down there!:ROFLMAO:

ALL b/s aside, I'll keep ya'll filled in on the weather up here if ya want me to. Curt