Gotham Auto Works – Now selling Chemical Guys car care Products !

We've put together a collection of some of the best products from Chemicel Guys to help keep your car looking its best !

Heres what you get

10 Microfiber towels

2 Grit Guards (You supply the 5 gallon buckets)

16 ounce bottle of Glass Workz glass cleaner. (dilute 50/50 with distilled water)

16 ounce bottle of VO7 optical sealant spray detailer

16ounce bottle of Citrus wash + Gloss (mixes 1 cap to 5 gallons for wash or 1 ounce to 1 gallon for superior surface cleaner)

16 ounce bottle of Butter wet wax. No filler, just great shine and protection

And I'll throw in a sticker for good measure

All for $120 plus $10 shipping in the USA. This is Professional Quality products not the cheap stuff you buy at Walmart or AutoZone.

to order email us at
Author: AdamR