Good Morning


This am I took the garbage cans up to the top of the road...checked the mailbox...and a scorpion stung me... ok...

Next the garbage dudes wouldn't take a torn up spa cover that I have had out there for 3 weeks.. Got into it with them..they said they leave sticker notes sayin it is to large... I caught them in a lie on that one ...then they started with the dam Florida cracker talk..I returned the favor with my best slavery crack.. Almost went fist to cuffs on that.. They ended up taking it anyway

Next I am taking a new unclosed 12' trailer to get it lettered that we are donating to the school....get pulled over for no tag.. Had to explain the who what when wheres on that one and also school him on Fl law that sez I have 5 day grace.. He was rude as heck

Got to the graphics place and they were just a little L8 so I sat on a park bench by a lake with my feet propped up...Little ole busy body lady came strolling by and told me that the homeless shelter is 4 blocks down the road.. Of course with the day I have been having..I read her the riot act...and threw in a few old lady nozie comments

And thats it so far.. Hoping this day will get a little better


Author: ~~Mutt~~