Failed U joint

I have a 66 VIP w/ 727 383 4b and last year the ujoint failed and caused me a bent drive shaft and i believe a piece of the trans housing to snap (this was when i didnt know to much about the workings of cars). This happened quite some time ago however i am getting back into my Plymouth and ceasing my spending on my Acura. The day the ujoint broke was a Sunday in the morning time, I was cruising over to church around 730 got cut off on the on ramp by a scion TC and the irresponsible person inside me took over and i floored it. When i daily'd my fury i normally had it around 70 and hit 90 here and there so i never really thought much about catching up to this guy. Long story short i caught up to him and put him to shame (big win I know but i wasn't thinking) going upwards of 105, which is scary fast for me in that boat of a car. Then as i passed him up i was about to take my foot out of it and at that moment i hear this big thud and a hard vibration throughout my car. At first i thought i pushed her to hard and blew a gasket (since their was white smoke behind me) so i threw it in neutral and made my way over to the side of the freeway only to find my drive shaft on the foor. After telling my dad i have no idea why that happened, a couple grand out of pocket and the countless amount of "ive never seen this before" I had my plymouth fixed and i sat her in the back covered up. So my question is why did it fail, because of my speed or just because it was an original part, etc? Ive been thinking about gettin her back on the road or selling her for a 4 speed and wanted to know why this happened before i get back in it and make a decision.