Engine Replacement

I own a 2006 Dodge Charger Daytona. Today my car felt like it lost power and then a few seconds late made a clanking sound and the just died. When I opened the hood, the was smoke coming out my air intake filter. Wouldn’t start again. According to the dealer, which is was the closest lace to tow it, it had thrown a rod. According to the it was so bad or some how oil ended up in the radiator and coolant over flow. Now I’m no mechanic so I assume what I’m being told is probably the truth but it is a dealership. They told me I needled a new engine. No way around it. The lowest cost rebuild they offered is about $6400. Not sure if that it straight engine or whether it includes labor. Write up sent to me doesn’t have much of a breakdown. Their high end was $8000+. Both are rebuilt. Any suggesting, experiences or advice would be great before I deal with them on this.
Author: webbj8150