Devotional For Nov. 11th


"and said: "Naked I came from my mother's womb, and naked I will depart. The LORD gave and the LORD has taken away; may the name of the LORD be praised."
.........Job 1:21

Christian songwriter and musician Mark Schultz had two life experiences that helped inspire one of his praise songs.

“Payton Cram was a girl who came to one of my concerts in Michigan with her dad,” recalls Mark. “She had cancer and I was really amazed at her maturity for her young age. When it started to get bad, I flew up and spent a day with her and prayed with her and her family. She was a beautiful girl. She was never going to blame God for it. She never asked ‘Why me?’ She just always knew there was a bigger purpose in it.”

During the same time Payton was battling cancer, Mark’s wife Kate came home and told him about a missionary family whose fourth child was born on a Friday and on Sunday they found out the mother had terminal cancer. “The father of the family said, ‘well we can’t praise God on Friday and curse him on Sunday. He’s the same God on Friday as he is on Sunday. We have to trust that He knows what’s going on,’ and that’s when the idea of ‘He Is’ was born,” said Mark.

So in early 2009, Mark penned the words of the praise song “He Is” to acknowledge that whatever comes our way, we need to praise Christ.

The Lord does not change. We need to praise Him that He loves us and cares for us deeply. Today in prayer, praise the Lord that He knows what is going on.

“Father, let your Holy Spirit sing, Let it calm the storm inside of me, As I stand amazed, Lift my hands and say, He is, He was, He always will be” – Mark Schultz

God's Word: "always giving thanks to God the Father for everything, in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ." - Ephesians 5:20

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By Peter Kennedy, Copyright 2009, Devotional E-Mail
Author: Magnumguy