Devo july 7th

The greatest waste on planet Earth has nothing to do with the resources of food, water or energy. The greatest waste is the resource of godly potential never reached in individual lives. There is no greater waste than for a man or woman or teenager to not live out their full potential in God!
The enemy of your soul is the greatest foe of your God-given potential. He attempts to convince you of your inability. He says, “You can’t! You won’t! You’ll never be able to.” Satan wants to put a cap or lid on how far you go or how much you accomplish. And there are plenty of negative influences in this world that echo his voice.
On the other hand, God has a plan of great accomplishments for you. You are the only person who will come in contact with the variety of different people within the specific relationships God has created for you in the course of your life. God’s intentional design for you is that you shine for Him. “Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works and glorify your Father in heaven” (Matthew 5:16, NKJV).
Whenever discouraging statements are made in your life, no matter how insightful your critic may seem, allow God in His time to prove them wrong. What are you hearing about your potential? Is someone lying to you? John 8:44 tells us that the devil is a liar. If his mouth is moving, he’s lying. Quit listening to him! You have tremendous potential in God. You can achieve. You can accomplish. Don’t let anyone who sounds intelligent but is speaking with limited insight be the influence that restricts your future!
Reach and stretch so you can live up to your full potential in God!
Author: moparkep1