Devo for June 13 ~ Drink Offering

Drink Offering

Philippians 2:17....But even if I am being poured out like a drink offering on the sacrifice and service coming from your faith, I am glad and rejoice with all of you.

Somewhere on this planet there is a factory that makes the world’s smallest umbrellas. Made of bamboo and paper, they are no more than four inches in diameter. For the uninitiated among the readers, they are referred to as “cocktail umbrellas.” Tropical drinks often call for a fair number of ingredients, to be blended under the watchful eye of the customer. The last step is inserting the cocktail umbrella; it signals that the drink is ready. It also (by its color) helps identify whose drink is whose.

There is something of that sense of “finished!” in this verse. The drink offering was the cocktail umbrella on a sacrifice to heathen gods (remember that the Philippians were converted heathen, not Jews.) It is a finishing touch. So what Paul is telling them here is that his life is about to be taken; when it is, it will be the finishing touch to their faith and service. A ceremony of dedication, so to speak.

We can picture this sacrifice thusly:

· The Philippians represent Paul’s sacrifice of time, effort and danger in bringing them to Christ. He gave them to Christ.

· But then they too have labored for Christ, and their service is also a sacrifice.

To both of these Paul now adds his finishing touch: his own martyrdom. This, he says, is cause for rejoicing and sharing his joy.


· Paul rejoices because he, the great enemy of the early church, has been accepted by the Lord he persecuted.

· Paul rejoices because it is now clear that his work, carrying the Gospel to the Gentiles, holds firm.

· Paul rejoices as one who has finished an arduous task.

But he has cause to share this joy as well. The Philippians are his brothers and coworkers in the faith; his joy is theirs. How so?

· Because they have shared the hardship and labor with him.

· Because, ultimately, they will share the resurrection with him.

The cloud of impending martyrdom looks indeed bright to one whose faith is firm in Jesus Christ.

Lord, how little we know of the hardships, perils and sacrifices made by your apostles. Teach us to sharpen our minds to be a living sacrifice to you. :angel:

Author: Magnumguy