Devo for july 8th

Isaiah 44:1 through 48:22 Turn to me and be saved, all you ends of the earth; for I am God, and there is no other (Isaiah 45:22).
With other cultures believing in multiple gods, the words of the One True God through the prophet Isaiah gave a clear declaration. The Lord invited His people—though they were prone to mistakes—and the entire world to come to Him. He promised a rescue.
His offer had some limitations, though. God wasn’t forcing His rescue upon those who refused to receive it. The promise declared His power while summarizing the invitation: “Turn to me and be saved.”
God invites people to pursue Him as their rescuer, rather than pursuing other gods. Going through rituals isn’t enough. Paying their way to score religious points won’t help. Working hard to earn salvation is impossible. Only God can save!
God’s declaration in this passage continues by revealing how everyone will one day bow and declare His lordship. Though some will wait too long and miss His welcome reception, God yearns to rescue each person.
Thought for Today: Turn to the Lord Jesus Christ today and receive forgiveness and salvation.
Author: moparkep1