Devo for August 15 ~ A Better Way…

"A Better Way

The Lord is good, a refuge in times of trouble. He cares for those who trust in him
(Nahum 1:7).

I was incredibly angry with him. I had supported him when others called for his firing. I offered him opportunities to rectify the situations he faced in his personal and corporate life. In the vernacular, “I had his back.”

When I realized that he had lied to me, my justice was swift and unyielding. There was no dialogue. As I look back, I am displeased with myself when I recall dealing unkindly with those who’ve upset me—a friend who disappointed me, a child who disobeyed, an associate who failed to follow through on a promise. I was not God-like in some of those situations.

Thankfully, God does not deal with me according to my sins. I am reminded again and again that God is merciful, caring, and good. He holds no grudges. He is a refuge in times of pain, grief, or cascading difficulties. How can I be gentler in dealing with the faults of others? How do I dialogue with one who has not kept a promise? How do I cope lovingly with one who has disappointed me? God’s way of dealing with people who disappoint Him doesn’t come naturally to me.

It’s a harder way. Also a far better way.

Almighty and most merciful God, teach me to be merciful, caring, gentle, and abounding in love. May I be more like You when I deal with those who disappoint me. In the name of Christ I pray, Amen." :angel:


Devotions For The Seasons

Author: Magnumguy