December 31 Devotion

As we end this year 2015.....

I want to thank my "loyal" readers for this past year, thank Old Hippie for allowing me to continue posting here and even having it. And thanks to Stan and Mark for covering for me when I've not been able.

It's my prayer that this year and next, that

1) those who read who are Christian have grown closer to our Lord,

2) those who may not be Christian but are "curious" about the Gospel and God and the Bible, that maybe you've perhaps maybe considered giving your life to Him,

3) maybe grown from disbelief to perhaps an acknowledgement of our Creator God and realize He's not some ancient old diety in the sky hurling lightning bolts at everyone when they sin.... (hey, some think that way....)

4) Keep the questions coming, post here or PM me (as has been the case)

5) Hopefully I've not offended anyone by Biblical truth. But if I have it's only because the truth shall set you free and the truth, as they say, always hurts.

God bless each one of you and looking forward to a great 2016!! :angel:

Author: Magnumguy