Worry causes you to expect the worse possible outcome. Jacob was filled with worry as he headed back home. When he had left home years before, the relationship between him and his brother, Esau, reached the place of a death threat. Esau had hated Jacob and planned to kill his brother after their elderly father died (Genesis 27:41). Now, headed back home with his family, Jacob was convinced the meeting with Esau would be ugly. Jacob divided his caravan. He decided if Esau came to one group and attacked it, then the other company that was left could escape (Genesis 32:8). He plotted and planned and prepared for all the “what ifs” he could imagine. What if Esau continues to be filled with hate? What if Esau still has murder as his goal for revenge? What if Esau attacks and we are unprepared? The meeting was nothing like what Jacob prepared for. “But Esau ran to meet Jacob and embraced him; he threw his arms around his neck and kissed him. And they wept” (Genesis 33:4, NIV). The meeting was an emotional reunion filled with love and affection. The brothers hadn’t seen each other for 20 years, and now with time came healing. Jacob expected the worse possible outcome but received the best possible reception.
Perhaps Jacob’s worries and his preparations were overwrought, but I believe we need to pursue a combination of faith and wisdom in our own lives. I believe in having insurance, saving for retirement, and carrying a spare tire, but I don’t believe my expectation should be for terrible things to be in my future.
Faith convinces me to expect the best possible outcome, and wisdom tells me to be prepared should a problem arise. No, I don’t believe having a spare tire or insurance is a lack of faith. I believe it is wise to be prepared should an extra resource be needed. Faith does not cause you to ignore the possibility of challenges in your future. Faith unites with hope and convinces you that better is coming. Faith tells you to expect and anticipate the best no matter what the present may be. “Now faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see” (Hebrews 11:1). Today let your faith and hope silence your worry even as you live each day wisely.
— Gary Rogers is senior pastor of Grand Assembly of God in Chickasha, Okla.
Author: moparkep1