Chris Greenhouse scores 2WD podium finish in Canadian debut

Chris Greenhouse scores 2WD podium finish in Canadian debut

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photo courtesy of Peter MacDonald

Lebanon, Ohio, USA:

All Speed Innovations driver Chris Greenhouse drove to a podium finish in his CARSRally debut at Rally Perce Neige in Maniwaki, Quebec, Canada this weekend. He and codriver Billy Irvin finished third in the 2WD Open class and gathered valuable points in the CARSRally 2WD National Championship. The team suffered a setback early on when they got stuck in a deep ditch on Stage 3 after winning the very first stage and taking an early lead. But after losing a lot of time and nearly getting time-barred from the event, they stayed neat and clean throughout the rest of the event and finished with no major problems.

"I thought we were time-barred, and Billy did too," said Chris. "I even tweeted that we were out of the event! But, we were thankfully wrong on that assessment and were allowed to continue in the rally. I'll have to be a bit more careful next time, both with snowbanks and with my Twitter updates. Still, I'm very relieved that we were able to leave Maniwaki with some points. This puts us in a good position for the championship and I'm looking forward to Baie de Chaleur in June."

Chris greatly enjoyed the famous 33km Kitigan Zibi stage. "Snow conditions were excellent on that stage, and we had a very good time driving that stage. Its easily one of my favorite winter stages ever! The Forêt de l'Aigle stage was a lot of fun, too."

The second running of Forêt de l'Aigle saw Chris and Billy catch eventual 2WD winners Simon Dubé and Patrick Lavigne who were stuck in a snowbank. In a remarkable display of sportsmanship, the team chose to stop and tow Dubé's Volkswagen Golf out of the snow at the expense of their own stage time.

Chris also had his own thanks for A1CVTech in Gatineau, Quebec, Canada, for some last-minute assistance just prior to the event. "The guys at A1CVTech met me after-hours as we were on the drive to the event to help us with installation of our new extra-heavy-duty custom axles for the SRT4. Axle problems plagued us all last year until the final event of the season when we switched to a new custom axle by A1CVTech. We haven't had a failure since, and I'm so thankful for their assistance. Merci beaucoup!"

The All Speed Innovations team will be back in action again at Sandblast Rally on March 1st. Follow their progress on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter as they go for victory in the deep sand of South Carolina.