Category: For FMJ Bodies Only

Got some love for my F-body

For all of the “more door” folks here. My Aspen won a trophy at the Monster Mopar Weekend.

Thrift Store Find

A cool find the other day at a thrift store. A whopping 80 cents after tax!


Does an Imperial WIndshield fit on a Mirada?


Does anybody know if an Imperial windshield would fit on the same body type Mirada? I am looking at all of the pick and pull locations, and…

Heater control valve?

Attachment 4049 (

OK, so other than running one heater hose from the…

Happy 4th of July Mopar style

Attachment 4039 ( 4040…

Hello Mopar Fans .. Newbie here. Also Happy 4th of July to everyone!!!

Hi I’m a newbie and know almost nothing about these cars except for the memories of the few early 80’s Cop Car Diplomats my Dad had. I am a Mopar…

Random Pics

Saw this done elsewhere….
Figured I’d start one here…if it hasn’t been done already.
Post ’em if ya got ’em…anything goes.

I’ll start with…