Category: For B Bodies only

Keep of the grass

Video link with profanity deleted.

Keep it clean or post elewhere.

Barry Washington

Hello from Bavaria/Germany

Hello, my name is Christian, i am 34 years old and i live in the south of germany near Landshut. I am driving a 1967 Dodge Charger with a 440cui. I…

Evaluation of “King Obamas” speech


69 Road runner 999 paint code for sale (not mine)

This is not my car but i saw the car inperson two months ago.
Car is rough but it is a real 999 paint code . It is the chevy ralley green color…

McCain’s V.P.!

Probably should keep blatant politics out of this, but this is kinda big news.

He is picking Sarah Palin, the current Governor of Alaska


66 Coronet fender

We have a no rust no dents left fender. $100.00 +s & h .It is in west central Fl. Thank’s SMOKEY. Will be on vacation till Sep6.

Suspended from Moparts

Profanity disguised in a photo or otherwise is not acceptable here.

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