Author: SlacinAce

Somebody do the work for me

Hello Mopar Forums! I am building a 318 magnum engine from a 1997 ram 1500 rwd and I need your help with the valvetrain specs…

I’m not sure what all to put into consideration about needing new…

318 408 Stroker?

I have a 318 magnum from a 1997 ram 1500 and I’m thinking of so much to do, and not including budget, I just like to think.

So aside all I will do in term of letting it breathe, has anyone ever…

5.2L Procharger?

This is my 1st post on the Mopar forums, so happy I decided to register!
Has anyone ever had experience with ProCharger’s centrifugal superchargers? I can see they have a model for the 5.2 and 5.9…