Author: moparkep1


Worry causes you to expect the worse possible outcome. Jacob was filled with worry as he headed back home. When he had left home years before, the…

With out god

*WITHOUT GOD… our week would be: Sinday, Mournday, Tearsday, Wasteday, Thirstday, Fightday, Shatterday, and Seven Days Without God – Makes one …

Aug 19 DEVO

*The Joy of Mercy*

“Blessed are the merciful, for they will be shown mercy” (Matthew 5:7, NIV).
Do you think Jesus is implying that you get…

Street drags

September is our annual Street Drags, we are the only city in the United States Have a LEGAL street drag, full tree timer, run 600ft. all classes,…

: Auto air conditioning

Auto air conditioning

And yet another devotional for today

“They weave the spider’s web.”
— <a…