Author: Loadrunner

Hey Coach!

I’ve coached a few teams over the years; college intermural teams, office slow-pitch and basketball teams, and I’ve helped run practices for little league and fast-pitch. Right now I assistant coach on a women’s slow-pitch team, way more challenging than any in the past but also very rewarding. …

R.I.P. Pete

“Pete” was our 2001 PT Cruiser, it gained its name when we gave it to our daughter upon getting her license. We bought it used a little over a decade ago for my wife to use as her daily driver. It protected her in an accident when a person looking at her cell phone rear-ended Pete and punted it…

Life’s Soundtrack

I’ve listened to a lot of different music over the years and there’s some I can’t take very long and some I could listen to forever…maybe.

There’s nothing like settling down to some writing with blues in the background. I like having classic rock on when I’m turning wrenches. A little stained…

Troy Trepanier Belvedere

I saw a video on YT of a Belvedere that Troy had a hand in building:

I don’t love this car but I like it an awful lot. The engine is fantastic but wouldn’t be my choice. If I was the one they built the car for I think I’d have gone with an engine…

Too Much Tech

I like the style of some 30s and 50s cars but I never want another car that has a carburetor or a distributer. Or even a three-speed automatic. On the other hand there is a lot of tech on my wife’s 200 that I have no use for. I guess with respect to cars I’m stuck solidly in the 90s to mid…

Eleanor = Bullitt

How fortunate are you when you’re looking for a suitable Mustang to build an Eleanor clone and the car you settle on turns out to be one of the two Mustangs used to film the movie Bullitt?

I knew a doctor a long time ago that collected Mustangs, this was before internet. Through Hemmings he…

Remember New Yorker’s “Electronic Voice Alert?”

Back in the ’80s the New Yorker had the “Electronic Voice Alert” that would politely notify occupants that a door was ajar or the oil pressure was low or a number of other tidbits of information that was useful. The local radio station used to play a parody commercial for a New Yorker that now…