Author: Kenyon Wills

1972 subframe removal question – for someone who has done it

I am interested in removing/reinstalling the front subframe on my 1972 Imperial.

My question is:

After suspension and steering box are stripped off and engine/transmsision are removed, does the subframe merely unbolt from underneath, or do I need to disassemble the hood/fenders/grille/bumper/rad support first?

I can’t tell how I’d support the weight of the car in the air without the subframe, so I am supposing that I’ll have to strip the car down to the firewall and place padded…

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1972 K-Member Dimension Trivia Challenge

I "think" that the unibody shell stampings from the firewall back are the same between Imperial and the others.
I "think" that the Imperial K-member adds 3" of wheelbase to the Imperial but is otherwise using same mounting hole…

Welcome Kenyon Wills to FCBO!

Joint proprietor of and owner of The TwiLigHt ZoNe, my 1972 Imperial where things that aren’t supposed to happen, do. -Just ask any vintage Porsche or Ferarri owner who has seen my car on a California Backroads Rally event.

Location: SF Bay Area