Author: jamesdaytona

Nascar bs

This is reason number 6 why I won’t watch , support , or have any more interest in NASCAR . Extreme favoritism .–nascar.html

Ok , whos done stuff like this ? And admit it .

Swinger moonroof

I have a 1973 Dodge Dart Swinger with a factory crank moonroof . It has not been apart , but it needs to be cleaned and inspected . Does anyone have or know where I can find an exploded view , or a manual showing the parts layout ? I’m a little worried about ” digging into it ” without knowing what I’m getting into first . Any ideas ?

Warlock wheels

Am looking for a set of Warlock wheels for a friend of mine . Got any stashed ?

MODEL CAR BUILDERS : check this out !!!

Just bought 500 kits !!! Had to make two trips . Wouldn’t all fit in my truck !!!

Model builders , CHECK THIS OUT !!!

Look what I bought today ! Got close to 500 model kits for 1000 dollars . TOO COOL !!!

Mopars in rafters ???

Has anyone else ever heard of or seen this before ? Said they would be harder to steal this way !!!