Author: Frankie

New England Dragway in Epping, NH

Inaugural NHRA Nationals at New England Dragway in Epping, NH.

Dick is this anywhere near you?, and are you considering going to it?

Considering a new Motor Home….

What do ya think?


Happy Father’s Day…

Happy Father’s Day everyone.

Hope everyone is enjoying the day in their own special way.

Best laid plans…

You might remember a few weeks ago, I mentioned that I was transitioning into retirement… Sold the business, but still working there part time for the next year.

well, I also mentioned that I was going to keep both of my swingers (71 and a 72). well, the ’72 is gone. I sold it. The buyer made…

no subject

*Toyota *


What an absolutely terrible week for the US.

…between the bombings in Boston, and the resulting very dramatic and manhunt, and the explosion in West, Tx.

The loss of life, the injuries, both temporary and permanent, and the mental anguish and trauma that these incidents caused, is just sad, …

Well, the change in lifestyle is moving forward.

On April first, I officially became a part time salaried employee of the company I started. The new Owners (a small group of employees) have, taken over.
My new roll is based on 15 hours a week, as an adviser and business counselor, and Customer relations person.

I’ve been preparing our…