Author: celticwarloc

Interior light switch for a ’69 NY

Does anyone have the part number for this item? Thank you all in advance.

A/C pressure switch question.

A quick question or two. Does a ’69 New Yorker (AutoTemp 1) have a low pressure switch in the A/C system? When I run the defroster, the compressor…

The ever-persistent cam question.

Hey, guys. At some point in the near future, I will be doing some work on the 440 in my ’69 NY. Of course, I will likely be upgrading the cam and…

AutoTemp 1 system.

I have the misfortune of having the AutoTemp 1 system in my ’69 NY. Of course, it does not work. Does anyone know exactly what is necessary to…

Hail from eastern PA.

Hello all. I am an avid Mopar enthusiast from Pennsylvania and the proud owner of a 1969 New Yorker hardtop sedan. The car has a custom exhaust (2…