Author: ALRUI

Trunk Floor Section?

Goofy request. My trunk floor is 90% good except for some pinholes and one piece where theres a hole approx. 3" X 3/4" in one of the depressed areas. Anyone ever sell just a square of floor so I can keep the correct contours? I can send a pic…

Part ID Help, NOx?

Hi Guys, I believe this was something on the 67 CA cars for NOx reduction. It sits between manifold vacuum and the vacuum advance canister on the distributor on my 67 Fury 383. It oddly has what appears to be a Mopar fuel filter between the manifold va…

Part ID Help, NOx?

Hi Guys, I believe this was something on the 67 CA cars for NOx reduction. It sits between manifold vacuum and the vacuum advance canister on the distributor on my 67 Fury 383. It oddly has what appears to be a Mopar fuel filter between the manifold va…

OK, Whats going to happen to our vehicles when theres no gas?

I’m wondering what others thoughts are here as I’m not seeing ANYONE discuss the harsh reality thats headed our way unless folks step up – OK THIS ISN’T POLITICAL at this point so somehow let’s keep it that way or move the thread to?

Fuel Cap Vented Or Non?

OK guys, I’m trying to determine if the 1967 Fury III 383 is supposed to have a vented or non vented fuel cap. The locking one I bought eons ago has a cracked seal and the label is long gone. I MAY have the original somewhere as I recall it was stamped which type. Please advise.


383 2BBL Carb Gasket “Q”

OK guys, just finishing the rebuild on the 67 Carter Ball & Ball BBD 2 BBL, the carb to manifold gasket is super thin compared to the original and nobody in town has one in stock. Should I try the thin one or make one out of thicker gasket material…