Author: admin

funny thing about AVGAS..

reading the Sticky Thread and it reminded me about something..

friend of mine runs a small local airport. long story short.. been filling up every other week with 100LL green in my 99 Cavalier
for the past 2 months now. 3 things I’ve noticed:

1. A power increase (prolly due to the comp making a more agressive timing curve)
2. A fuel milage increase (about 9% gain average out over a month)
3. The catalytic converter has yet to give up the ghost.

what gives?

360 motor mopar / amc

I am looking to repower a 318 dart with a 360. I have an old 84/85 jeep 360. are the blocks the same or is it totally different.


Replacing the Floor Pans

How hard is it to replace the floor pans on a 68 Dart, or 70 Duster? I am considering doing it myself. What tools would I need to do it? I am considering buying a welder. I’ve never done any welding before, so can a novice do the kind of welding necessary?


Fuel pumps regulators and filters

Has anybody done any side by side comparisons of pumps filters and regulators to see which flow the best with, the highest continous output, the least restrictions, with the lowest amp requirements?

I just finished comparing Aeromtive PE MagnaFuel Grant and Weldon pumps, numerous bypass regulators, and totaly different manufacturers’ filters to feed a 1000-1150HP NA motor and would like to compare results.

I was not pleased with one of the manufacturers not selling service parts, for my…

The ones that Never will!!!

Here is the third thread in my 3 part bench talk series. This is called “the ones that never will”. I want to hear about that one special car you have, the one you love the most. Maybe you’re the original owner, maybe your Dad or Grandparents or Uncle handed it down to you, maybe you always knew someday you would own it and now it’s yours. But one things for sure, you will NEVER sell it, EVER!!!! Where’d you get it, how much did it cost way back when, and why did you order those seats, all the…

first deer kill

here is a picture of my first whitetail deer kill. stabbed this baby this evening about 4:50 pm out of my deer stand along dads corn field..
it has around a 21-22 in inside spread..

…and the ones that didn’t!!!

Well, boys and girls, this is the flip side to my other post, “The ones that got away”. If you ever let a car get away and have kicked your self in the behind for not buying it, visit the other post. Here is where I wanna hear the story of the one that didn’t!!! You know, the one you mowed the neighbors yard for 18 years to get, or saved all your lunch money to buy until you had enough, or the one you visited and drooled over until the owner broke down and had to sell you, you get the picture….