Author: admin

More Mopar History passing….away

They maintained their pricing through the rising metal costs and…

More Mopar History passing….away

They maintained their pricing through the rising metal costs and…

72 340 air cleaner

I am looking for a 72 340 air cleaner,I don’t need a show quality one that I need to finance to buy.A little beat up or missing the vacuum door or a bit rusty are fine.Will buy if price is right or will trade parts–What have you got?What do you need?This is for a little project I want to try,please someone must have one laying around somewhere,Thanks Doug

NMCA Memphis

Who is going next weekend , we will be there thursday evening thru Sunday , hope to see some of you. Dane

Car porn

Here’s few from a local show today. I know the Ford and the Anglia ain’t Mopar, but they were fine cars.

Little Johnny In Sex Ed Class

Little Johnny was in a sex ed class and had a question.

“Teacher, can a woman get pregnant from anal sex?”

The teacher replied; “Why, yes Dear. Where do you think attorneys come from?”


Got a Hangover?

What is the best thing for a hangover?

:shaking2: :dontknow:

Have lots to drink the night before !
.:drinkers::drinkers::drinkers: :thumblef: