Author: admin

Genie of the Impossible

One day a man was walking down the beach and came upon an old lamp. Remembering the stories of how these lamps contain genies, he began to rub it and out popped a genie.

The genie, looking annoyed, said “you are the fifth person this month to awaken me and I am tired of granting wishes. I am going to grant you only one wish so… make it a good one”.

The man pondered for a moment and finally spoke, “I like to travel to Hawaii so build me my own personal bridge there”.

The genie, in a…


Believe it or not I was skimming the forabodiesonly site and wondered why there wasn’t a forbbodiesonly site :blush:
Then a few minutes ago…

Sold off all my Challengers

Now, just looking around at things,should have ar least held on to my 74.

Oh well….:no::(

electric water pumps

anyone out there run electric water pumps and has anyone run at the track with a manual then tried electric to see if any et difference?

Fabo fbbo addict

Hey all, jumping on the B Body train….


Hey! I’m KIDSIXPACK! I use the same name on all of the forums! I’m into Bee’s, but I love all Mopars! Is this site ran by the same guys that run…


hey guys …just came over from FABo to join in the fun …..