Author: admin

Took the Dart To Work Today

Beautiful day today here in southern Ontario so I figured why not. I’m sure the neighbours loved me firing her up at 5:30 am this morning. Here is a couple of pics in front of my factory.

Took the Dart To Work Today

Beautiful day today here in southern Ontario so I figured why not. I’m sure the neighbours loved me firing her up at 5:30 am this morning. Here is a couple of pics in front of my factory.

Window Adjustments

Hello again,

I can not figure this one out. I have tried to adjust and readjust this window several times and I keep coming up with this gap.

Window Adjustments

Hello again,

I can not figure this one out. I have tried to adjust and readjust this window several times and I keep coming up with this gap.

Great Lakes Mopar

Has anyone dealt with Great Lakes Mopar?

Great Lakes Mopar

Has anyone dealt with Great Lakes Mopar?

The Whipping of Ricky

The Whipping of Ricky – YouTube