Author: 77kickinaspen

huge new problem need help asap

i ave no car and have no way i can get to work i have no idea what happend.

i put a alt from my valiant on with new brushes hooked up turned key…

trunk lid tension bar help…..

i had the stroller in there and it somehow wedged it self in there good and when i got it loose the passenger side tension bar popped outta place(and…

need help with tension bars for trunk lid…..

so title says it i had the stroller in the trunk and went to pull it out i musta taken a sharp corner couse thing got all squshed up in the and as i…

door hinge pins and bushing kit

anyone have a good number on a kit from a auto store napa or oriellys we have a carquest close by also its for my aspen i wanna change the pin and…

body parts help and other questions

i have received the money from the insurance claim and am happy with the settlement amount I’m getting a door from wildcat 99% rust free holes…

possible head gasket blown

think i may have a blown headgasket,there is milkyness in side the dipstick tube the oil at the bottom dont look milky but she hasnt been running any…

reach out to my aspen brothers

i just got home and my family tells me because i drove the valiant today the aspen got hit! the guy left his name and number but hes uninsured i…