Author: 1Fury1

Willis Pearson would be proud!

Today’s program is brought to you by the number 6.

In 6-66 Willis Pearson picked up his new Fury I in Foxboro, Wisconsin. This afternoon while cruising with my lovely wife, the odometer on Willis’ car turned over 66666.6 miles.

Right here on this bo…

Trees are beautiful . . . until

this happens. Powerful wind woke us up at 5 am Wednesday morning. Looked outside to see an ominous looking swirling thing right above us. Then crash and down came this tree on to the corner of the veranda. A combination of 60 year old trees and 12+ inches of rain in June. These old trees are nice for shade but are becoming a real liability. It’s a G note every time we have to get the arborist over take one down.

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Trees are beautiful . . . until

Sept in Alberta from the kitchen window

Bwaaagh! Too soon for this.

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A deal I couldn’t Dodge, so here’s what came a waggin home

Seller was very motivated. After declining twice and each time him coming back with a lower price, I relented and brought it home. It’s a low optioned 68 Monaco 6 pass wagon 383 2V auto, 8 3/4 rear not sure what gears, 94xxx miles.

The good:
Extremely clean interior, perfect dash, headliner, door panels, one tear on a seam on the rear seat. The underside is very clean, no rust that I can see anywhere, floors are good, all original glass is flawless. Runs and drives nice, shifts good,…

A deal I couldn’t Dodge, so here’s what came a waggin home

Utility bill rant – No wonder we can’t get ahead

Take a look at my November electric and gas bill. Actual usage totaled $144 for the month. Not too bad. However after delivery charges, fees etc. The total is $400.49 that’s almost 3 times the consumption charge.

I have lived on my place for 25 years and never has it been anything like this. Same infrastructure, pipelines, power grid etc. has been in place all along. These bogus fees, not to mention the carbon taxes that our socialist gummint has imposed on us against the will of the people…

Utility bill rant – No wonder we can’t get ahead

A pirate walks into a bar . . . .

and the bartender said….

“Hey, I haven’t seen you in a while. What happened? You look terrible.”

“What do you mean?” said the pirate, “I feel fine.”

“What about the wooden leg? You didn’t have that before..”

“Well,” said the pirate, “We were in a battle, and I got hit with a cannon ball, but I’m fine now.”

The bartender replied, “Well, OK, but what about that hook? What happened to your hand?”

The pirate explained, “We were in another…

A pirate walks into a bar . . . .

That harvest smell …

Yesterday was T shirt kind of day so I took a little afternoon ride thinking there may not be many nice ones left this year. Growing up on the prairies that harvest dust takes me way back. It’s always a make or break time for farmers. If you got the rain, didn’t get hailed out over the summer, and barring any major equipment breakdowns, this is where it all comes together. I had to stop and capture these two combines going in the same field with a tractor/hopper in the background….

That harvest smell …