August 26 Devo ~ Watch The Birds…

"Look at the Birds"

Look at the birds of the air; they do not sow or reap or store away in barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not much more valuable than they?

(Matthew 6:27)

I am not overly enthusiastic about birds, (but I am, I love to watch them....) but they grab my attention when they fly into my backyard. Their colors are amazing. How does God mix such bright tones? And the way they land and take off from my lawn fascinates me. Why did God design them that way? A few minutes later, the birds leave, and I head back to my study.

Sometimes the awe of that moment lingers in my mind as I get started with my day, but I usually get wrapped up in my work, and the scene fades away. I hate to admit it, but sometimes worry also enters my world, and I start to focus solely on my problems. Jesus says to look at the birds when we start to worry. It’s not enough to read the passage in Matthew 6. We actually need to look at the birds and notice how God provides for them.

Of course, we all know we shouldn’t worry. We just need more practice in saying “No” to those fearful thoughts that seem so natural. I’m sure it can help to stop and look at the birds occasionally. Just as He cares for them, He cares for us. Lord, thank You for birds—and all the amazing creatures in Your world. May they all remind me today of Your watchful care. In the name of Jesus, amen. :angel:


Devotions For The Seasons

Author: Magnumguy