August 23 Devotion


As a general rule, a copy is never as good as the original. Photocopy a picture,
and you will lose a little quality. Photocopy the copy and you will
lose even more quality.

You can even simulate space travel with special effects,
but I have a feeling that any astronaut would tell you that it doesn’t
compare to the real thing!

We find this principle in scripture as well. The
book of Hebrews (8:5; 9:23; 10:1) describes the Old Law as merely a shadow
of something much better. Even the church as we know it today is merely
a shadow of something much better that awaits us in heaven.

Imagining the perfection of heaven is difficult to do because so far
we have only seen the copy. Even though there are times when singing
praises to God can seem heavenly, I am certain that they cannot compare
to the perfection that we will witness in heaven. But until that time comes,
let us follow God’s instructions to build the church into the best copy
of that perfection that we possibly can! :angel:


Gary Herridge / Camden Avenue church of
Author: Magnumguy