April 18 Devo ~ Stress Reducers

Stress Reducers

James 1:2-3....
"Consider it pure joy, my brothers, whenever you face trials of many kinds, because you know that the testing of your faith develops perseverance"

Following are the Top 10 ways a Christian can reduce stress as complied by Pastor Bill.

10. Pray daily

9. Live within your budget

8. Forgive quickly and often

7. Keep favorite scriptures handy

6. Leave your worries at the cross

5. Write down thoughts and inspirations

4. Make Godly people your closest friends

3. Discuss your problems immediately with God

2. Learn that you are not the manager of the universe

And the number one way a Christian can reduce stress as complied by Pastor Bill is:

1. Praise God in thanksgiving at the end of each day

Prayer: Father thanks for removing stress from my life so I can freely worship you. In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, Amen! :angel:


Pastor Bill,
Christian Cyber Ministries
Copyright (c) 2015

Author: Magnumguy