April 14 devo

Read 1 Samuel 20:41-42 – As soon as the lad had gone, David arose from a place toward the south, fell on his face to the ground, and bowed down three times. And they kissed one another; and they wept together, but David more so. Then Jonathan said to David, “Go in peace, since we have both sworn in the name of the Lord, saying, ‘May the Lord be between you and me, and between your descendants and my descendants, forever.’” So he arose and departed, and Jonathan went into the city. (NKJV)
One can understand the sorrow David and Jonathan displayed when their only option was to separate. Saul’s grip on the kingdom would one day fail, but this was not that day. David’s honest emotion shows both his love for Jonathan and his disappointment that the kingdom hadn’t passed to him as he expected. He had been loyal and faithful and had been rewarded with evil and hate. The months ahead would be bitter as David wrestles with these disillusioning emotions. Few things can hurt us more deeply than being treated wrongly. When we give our best, we expect others to do the same. But when those efforts are rewarded with hatred and false accusations, the injustice can destroy us. The day will come when David’s right choices will be vindicated, but this is not that day. If you are feeling mistreated or misunderstood, take heart. God keeps perfect records and a day of justice will come.
Author: moparkep1