Anyone want to buy a house???

Well, the new house gets listed this weekend. The realtor who helped us through the purchase has the listing. She thinks we'll be able to move it fairly quickly. I'll lose money, but she's cutting us a deal on the commission as she made money with us when we bought it 7 weeks ago.

I knew I was a short timer when they fired the boss just before we closed on the house. We'll be heading back to the Wichita area as soon as I get employment or we sell this place. I knew Springfield wasn't much for IT jobs, but I had hoped to be here long enough to know where to look for a new job.

At least my wife's old boss called and would like here to come back and currently unemployment will pay more than minimum wage and will cover the house payment and utilities for a while. Vehicles are paid off, we just have a few CC's that we're still trying to pay off. Another nice benefit to moving back is being able to spend more time with the grandkids!!!
Author: Unfettered