Feb 10th Devotional

The Real Thing!

I, even I, am the LORD, and apart from me there is no savior.
I have revealed and saved and proclaimed—
I, and not some foreign god among you.
You are my witnesses,” declares the LORD, “that I am God.

Isaiah 43:11-12

The other night I fell asleep on our couch, and woke up to the world of television infomercials. I was amazed that virtually every channel was showing some type of paid programming. One show promised I cold become a millionaire working just 10 hours a week from home. Another promised I could loose inches and pounds from my mid-section almost instantly, while yet another promised that I could get a college degree in just weeks! I wonder how many folks get fooled by these schemes and scams.

It occurred to me that we often try to find shortcuts in our spiritual lives as well ya know? We make so many things the focus of our lives- like making lots of money, furthering our careers, raising our kids, etc. Yet we still hope our relationship with Christ will grow ever so much stronger.

But, there are no shortcuts in growing our faith and relationship with the one true God folks. In time, we learn that nothing this world can offer can satisfy what our souls desire like Jesus!!

Father, so often we make our own plans and go our own ways, and ignore Your presence, and Your guidance. Forgive us, for not making or keeping you the central focus of our lives. Help us to remember throughout our days that you the the only true God, and the maker of peace in our hearts and lives.

Amen. :angel:

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Standard Publishing Daily Devotionals /Winter 2010-2011

Author: Magnumguy