Tight cam

More problems with my 440 build. First,this block has been machined and I furnished a new stock RR cam to the machinist to fit the cam bearings. This cam installs easily and spins easily. No problems there other than it's not the cam I'm going to use in this engine. Also, the short block is assembled.:(

Comp Cams recommended the XE285HL for my application, so I received it yesterday and proceeded to install it. All was fine until the last cam bearing journal met the first cam bearing in the block. It was very snug and I had to smack it with the palm of my hand to get it to go all the way in. It's too tight and hard to turn. I got it to turn some and removed it and found two small shiny spots on the first cam bearing, no problem I says to me self, and gently removed the spots with my bearing scraper. It's still too tight, but spins a little easier, and I am afraid to do any more scrapping as I don't feel that scrapping is the correct way to correct this problem.

So, is it back to the machine shop,.... again?
Author: 4vnut