Went to a good family friend’s pre-wedding reception yesterday

It was great and all, held at a pretty nice expensive restaurant I'd never been to. He couldn't have picked a better girl to get married to. Of course, it was held outside on the restaurant's 2 decks. I usually congregated on the upper deck. But then I decided to risk it and go down to the lower deck on the bayou and talk to another close family friend that was down there. And wouldn't you know it, a dang caterpillar falls out of one of the trees down there right onto my shoulder. I felt something on me and said "What the Hell, something's on me", brush it off with the back of my hand and then looked down. Saw it was that dang caterpillar. Then within a few minutes, felt a numb burning. Then when i got home, put some Cortizone on my shoulder and back of the hand and took a Claritin. After I took that, it was just a tingling sensation. Now today, it's just a little bit of a tickling sensation.

Author: Luftman129