Carb help? Maybe

wasnt quite sure where to post this one at but it's about my newly rebuilt 318 and trans in my 74 dart. So like I said it was newly rebuilt and have been going through some issues. So had problem with an old carb my friend gave me. But it was causing the car to choke up and die while at a red light. So bought a new edelbrock 4 barrel and seemed fine. So took the car to a diagnostics shop and paid 300 to have them dial it in. I left the shop and it felt fine. I get up for work today and I turn the car on and seems like the idle was high(maybe not don't quite remember how the idle was yesterday). So I drive maybe 5 min and get to a ref light and I'm hearing a hiccup in the idle rhythm. The next light it sounds a little worse and when I get to work and park I leave it in park and it's truggling to stay alive. In the past with bad carbs I've had the same response but this new one was driving good. Could it be a cold issue (but I drove it maybe 15 miles should've been wanrmed up pretty good) or should I take it back to the diagnostics shop