Potential Noob — Questions

In the 70's and the 80's my uncle owned somewhere around 6-8 1st Gen Plymouth Barracudas. When he died before I was born, my dad kept a ton of Mopar parts (particularly badges, interior peices, etc.), but we've never done anything with them. Yesterday, I was walking past a Mopar restoration center and something grabbed my attention. The colors, the smell, im not really sure. But that is a ridiculously good atmosphere.
I've always been into Volkswagens, but now in my infinate wisdom I'm over my head in a VW Fox... so I'd really be intrested in getting into a car that actually appreciates with time.
I'm not sure this is a really good idea, because I'm a student, and frankly, I like getting 30mpg. But, these are pretty sick cars. I'd probably be able to manage.
What should I know when looking for a car? Any trouble areas? Welds, rust?
I hope I'm posting in the right area. Thanks, Kevin
Author: pandaorbust