March 15 Devotion

Snail and Turtle

A snail crossing the road was run over by a turtle. Regaining consciousness in the
emergency room, he was asked what caused the accident. “I really can’t
remember,” the snail answered. “You see, it all happened so fast!”

We laugh because turtles and snails aren’t known for their
speed. However, speed is relative. To a snail, a turtle is probably like a gazelle is to
us. How fast is your world moving? Doesn’t it seem like it is moving at breakneck
speed? Just yesterday, it seems, we were graduating, getting married, or expecting a
baby. Then today, we look around and we are grandparents. It is easy in our
fast-paced world to let the years roll by without giving our children what they really need.
There is more to raising children than putting a roof over their heads, clothes on
their back, and food in their bellies.

~They need time and teaching (Deut. 6:6-9):
~Discipline and direction (Proverbs 19:18 and Ephesians 6:1-4),
~Affection and affirmation (Titus 2:4).

One day, how much time we spent working will not matter nearly as
much as how much time we spent with our children. If we do this, maybe we will not
have to say, “It all happened so fast!!” :angel:


Minute of Meditation / Camden Ave C of C
Author: Magnumguy