1971 Plymouth Sport Fury GT Brogham & U code Super Comando

for Stan...it begins........

Found this GT in Saskatoon Sask....car was sold originally outa Prince Rupert Sask...
orrignall owner passed on and brother acquired the car ...at some point he parked it and left it...

Next person to buy the car was a fella outa Saskatoon....he had gone to buy another car and seen the GT sitting where the orriginall owners brother left it...in anycase he remembered the car as new in the Prince Rupert dealership and always remembered it to the point he ran across it again and bought it...

He passed away and his wife and son garaged the car for a number of years..during this time they tried to sell it but alas there were no takers....then l rolled onto the scene never even seeing or hearing a 70-71 fury till 3 years ago...had no clue why ld never seen this car or how such a huge car like this could slip by me without at least hearing mention of these vehicles

To make a long story short bought the vehicle and spent the next couple years buying up anything NOS for this car l could find
l lucked out when l met Bill from cdock as he was a wealth of knowlage regarding these cars and schooled me somewhat in regards to what l had....it was also though Bill and Garry that l was introduced to Paul outa Idaho...
Had seen pics of his work and his workshop and knew this was the person to do this restoration....
Now this restorations gona cost me alota coin and wana make this perfectly clear...didn't win a lottery or have a rich daddy...l busted my butt for the last three years to pull this off...l didn't have the time re my buissness or the facility to pull this off properly as it should be right now so figured this was best bet..
some may think me foolish to spend all this coin but what the hell its just coin...in the end hope to have the Best 1971 Plymouth Fury GT Brogham on the planet and with this car belive l can pull it off

heres to Paul...a craftsman at work...

the good and bad news so far...
A. he ran car down hywy @ 70mph..ran great
B. rear end is not a posi rear end...will have to change that
C. rear power antenna...was added after the fact...passenger right front fender has antenna hole...will restore to oem with front antenna

so far so good...things are looking excellent so far...car sheadualed to be completed May 2016
Author: CanCritter