April 2 Devo ~ Isn’t That Special

Isn't That Special

"Jesus loves the little children,
All the children of the world.
Red and yellow, black and white,
They are precious in His sight.
Jesus loves the little children of the world

C. Herbert Woolston

I haven't sung that children's song in a very long time.

We, as God's children, though we may have our imperfections and flaws, are loved by God. We're loved so much that He created us in His love and gave His Son to save us. It should be reassuring to us that God and His Son see us as having worth and value. In this equation, we are to view ourselves as being valuable to God, and if we do, we will think, act and live differently. We must elevate our thinking to the point of seeing the good things that God wants to do with us, and be grateful for the honor He has bestowed upon us in His Son Jesus.

In Jesus, there are no inferior people... Our little song says that all His children are precious in His sight. We all have the need to be reconciled by grace in the same way... "You are all sons of God through faith in Christ Jesus, for all of you who were baptized into Christ, have clothed yourself with Christ" (Gal.3:26-27). If we go on to verse 29, we find that we are all heirs... Knowing this should surely make a difference not only in the way we view ourselves, but in the way we act. As we are involved in our daily activities this week, it should encourage us to contemplate that we are precious in His sight.

Since we are so special to the Lord, we must live like the special people that we are. As we soak all of this up we might say, " isn't that special...." :angel:


Author: Magnumguy