December 28 Devo ~ Authority


Matthew 28:18 Then Jesus came to them and said, “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me.

Do you remember the children’s game, Mother May I? Looked upon with adult eyes it seems rather silly—and one cannot help but notice the giggles in the game. It is designed to teach children respect for authority—a lesson much neglected lately.

It comes as a surprise to American Christians to discover that the church, via Christ, claims authority. We are taught to rebel against authority; seldom will you hear a youth minister bring up the subject. I leave it to you to say if this is wisdom or folly.

Christ has all authority. By that, he has given responsibility (and hence matching authority) to the church for a number of things:

· We are given the authority to preach the Gospel—no matter where, nor to whom, not bowing to political correctness.

· We are given the authority to grant forgiveness—even on God’s behalf.

· We are privileged to have the authority of going before the throne of grace to make our desires, problems and intentions known—and to intercede for others.

· We are given the authority to teach the Scriptures, knowing them to be the inspired word of God.

All this (and much more) stems from the authority of Christ. Paul reminds us what the right reaction to authority should be: in general, we should so behave that we make the task of those in authority into a joy. How much more, then, should we rejoice in the tasks we have in Christ!

· Are you called to preach? Be like Paul, abased or abounding, but always joyful in the Lord.

· If you forgive, do so with joy—welcome the sinner home with open arms. (Remember the Prodigal Son?)

· Are you a prayer warrior? Be diligent; may Jesus be glad to hear from you, interceding for those in this world.

· If you teach, do not consider your preparation drudgery. Even little is much, if God is in it.

Ours is the task; ours is the authority, given by Christ. May he see us turn to our tasks in joy.

Lord, teach us to turn to our tasks with the gifts of the Spirit, the authority you give, and the joy of the Lord as our strength. :angel:


Author: Magnumguy